Post Funding Update #1
over 3 years ago
– Wed, Jul 21, 2021 at 11:29:19 AM
We did it!
Thanks to all of you wonderful people issue #2 of Isidora was a resounding success surpassing all the milestone of Issue #1!
What happens next:
- Kickstarter allows 2 weeks for funds to be collected before depositing them in my account. As it stands 125/134 pledges have been collected which is spectacular. Those that are still pending I have sent messages to. Please remember to check your pledge, messages, and funding source.
- Surveys will be coming after the 2 week grace period is over and all funds have been collected. As I did with Issue #1, I will be using Backerkit for the surveys and fulfillment. Keep and eye out in your mailboxes for those surveys. Completing those in a timely manner allows this project to fulfill on time without any delays.
- There is an addon section when checking out for you to peruse. Just keep in mind adding certain items from the addon menu can add/changed your shipping costs.
Fulfillment status:
- Until the 2 weeks collection period is over and all the surveys are sent out and completed we are in a holding pattern which is typical for crowdfunds.
- Pages 1-13 are completely penciled and colored and the remaining pages will all be done by August 6th.
- The letterer has already be chosen and commissioned and will begin work on the re-lettering of issue #1 and the issue #2 lettering on August 6th and will take about a week.
- Once the above items are completed (tentively by mid August) I will send everything to the printers and send out the PDFs through Backerkit right to your inbox.